Did you know your skin is an organ and the largest one at that?? Our skin is exposed to a multitude of elements from varying weather to pollutants & chemicals. Many people experience skin sensitivities that can cause skin disorders and allergic reactions of various kinds. Eczema, rosacea or allergic contact dermatitis. Overly dry skin and rashes are some of the responses our skin can have to its environment and occasionally there are no visible signs of irritation other than your skin feeling uncomfortable after using different products. All these issues can be addressed in detail by a dermatologists. These days sensitive skin is a common concern so many companies provide excellent products to meet your needs!
Many guidelines are lacking in the US Market but there are ‘skin-friendly products’ that have fewer ingredients and little to no fragrance. Avoiding products containing antibacterial, deodorants,, alcohol, retinoids and alpha-hydroxy acids may help in your search for personal care items. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following:
Use face powder, which has few preservatives and minimal risk of skin irritation.
Use a silicone-based foundation for minimal skin irritation.
Do not use waterproof cosmetics; you need a special cleanser to remove them.
Use black eyeliner and mascara; they appear to be least allergenic.
Use pencil eyeliner and eyebrow fillers; liquid eyeliners may contain latex and may cause an allergic reaction.
Throw out old cosmetics; they can spoil or become contaminated.
Here are some basic tips for caring for your sensitive skin:
It's easy for all of us to get so busy that we neglect our skin. Making time each day to properly care for your skin will help prevent many issues down the road. It’s important to find a routine that fits your schedule and make sure you take time to follow that routine!

Choosing the right Products:
We know this can be a task but it’s important to take the time to know your products. What are the ingredients and how will they directly affect you personally.
Staying hydrated is always key to healthy and glowing skin. Your body needs water to properly function and this includes your skin!
Rest & Nutrition:
Believe it or not sleep is foundational to healthy skin. When you’re not getting enough rest your stress levels can begin to rise causing your body to show signs of distress. Resulting in dull and extra sensitive skin. Nutrition is also a huge part of keeping your skin glowing. It’s true what they say, “Garbage in, Garbage out!” If you’re not feeding yourself a balanced diet then the toxins going in will be evident in your skin. Make sure you’re putting sleep and proper nutrition at the top of your daily routine!
Every skin type responds differently to cleansing methods. Most dermatologists agree that soaps that contain “deodorants” or “highly fragranced soaps can be. Keeping your skin clean of irritants of any kind is greatly important to the health of your skin.
Patch Testing:
When using a new product, or unfamiliar product, it’s always best to test for any reactions first. Testing on a small area on your skin can be a simple as applying a small amount behind an ear for several days. If your skin does not become irritated then you can follow the same procedure in another small area such as your wrist or upper thigh just to make sure it’s safe to use with your individual skin type.
Adjust with the Seasons:

Summer Skin Care:
Year round protection is a must for all skin. Wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 daily, especially if you will be exposed to the sun for periods longer than 20 minutes. Remember to stay hydrated in the summer months. The warmer temperatures can cause quicker dehydration.